Fiction Writing and Literary Analysis

Friday, November 30, 2012

Homework due 12/3-12/7

Due Posted to your Portfolio by 12/2 at 8pm:

1.  Draft #2 of your Sudden Fiction Piece and a small reflection.
The reflection should be generated from the feedback that you received during workshop and also what you plan on working on yourself.
You should basically finish the following thought (in 6-8 clear sentences):
"Based on the feedback in workshop, I now plan to...."

2. Journal #9 (Character created from Personal Place):
Every class created a different bedroom.  Based on the items found within the bedroom, I would like for you to create a believable character.  Please DO NOT list the items in the bedroom, or have the person be in the bedroom.  Take them out in the world....have them interact with a family member, be involved in a relationship, take them to work and have them get involved in a conflict.  The items are merely there to guide you to create the person.


First Half of the Week:

1.  Bring in Draft #3 of your Sudden Fiction Piece.  It MUST BE TYPED and PRINTED!  It also MUST HAVE A TITLE!  Also, please LEAVE YOUR NAME OFF!
In class, we will sit in a circle and pass the stories around.  We will all provide grammatical corrections and ask any further questions of the author and provide last minute feedback.

Second Half of the Week:

2.  Create study guide questions.  We will have a study session based off of the study guide that I sent to you.  The questions should come from the following categories and you should create 5 Questions per category, resulting in 20 questions:
"Stories we have read: Techniques and Themes found within them."
"Write your own:  Try your hand at writing your own techniques."
"Techniques and their definitions."
"Character wants and desires, based on all short stories."

Important Due Dates!!!

Reflection Paper (3-4 pages, double-spaced and typed:  based on your own philosophy of writing and your reactions to the essays on Writing that I gave to you at the beginning of the semester).  Due the day of the Midterm.

Final Draft of Sudden Fiction (2 pages maximum, single spaced, typed):  Title, name on top.  Due the day of the Midterm.

Midterm will be administered 12/11 and 12/12.