Fiction Writing and Literary Analysis

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Homework Due 9/14-9/16

Homework Part I:
***Please remember that what I list below is merely a suggestion for taking notes, and the questions are there to merely focus you on what you should be thinking about as you read. Whatever notes you do take, I expect that you will bring them to class with you in your notebook so that you can be part of a lively discussion in class.

***Read Chapter One in the Textbook.

***For each Chapter Heading (Get Started, Keep Going, A Word about Theme), you are to pull 2 sentences which interest you or teach you something or inspire you.

***For each of the sentences or quotes that you chose, you are to write 4-6 sentences explaining: -Why did this sentence seem important? -What does it teach you about fiction writing? -What did this sentence teach you about yourself? -Why does it inspire you? Why is this sentence interesting to you?

***You should have 6 sentences and 6 paragraphs explaining why you chose what you chose at the end of this assignment.

***You can also annotate your notes using post-it notes, ask yourself questions about the reading, highlight passages of interest and write in the margins. Whatever you choose to do, I expect you to read carefully.

Homework Part II: Use the following questions to guide your reading.

"Shitty First Drafts":

1. Anne Lamott is a famous author. Is the writing process easy for her? List 3 ideas she has to help her battle with the process.

2. What are your personal expectations for your first draft of writing?

3. Who are your biggest critics that you need to silence?

Questions from "Why I Write"
1. According to Didion, how is grammar important within fiction writing?

2. How did Didion get her ideas for the opening of her novel Play It as It Lays?

3. On page 21, reread the paragraph beginning "The picture that did..." What does Didion use in order to create the "norteamericana woman" for her novel A Book of Common Prayer?

Homework Part III:
Create your Online Portfolio using the guidelines listed below.  Send me the URL in an email by Friday, 9/14 at 3pm.  When I click on the link to your Portfolio, I should see your first post about your goals for English class.